IDHS (GB) Stallion Inspections 2023
Following careful consideration and after listening to a variety of views from our membership, Council have decided to hold 2 Stallion Inspections in 2023. The great benefit of holding both a spring and autumn inspection is that members will have the choice to select the most suitable date for their horse depending on his maturity which can be quite different at the start and end of a season. Owners and producers will have twice the opportunity to bring horses forward and we hope this will encourage more entries and therefore more stallions on our register for mare owners to choose from.
The first Inspection will be held on 5th April at Moreton Morrell. A second Inspection will be held in the Autumn with a date to be confirmed.
A notice will be posted on our website as soon as arrangements for the Inspections have been finalised. We will require some additional volunteers to help with running these inspections so if you are interested in being a part of the team or the arena party then please contact our chief inspector Mary Wilson who will be delighted to talk to you about it.
James Noblett