News, Inspections, IMPORTANT

Update: Stallion and Spring mare Inspections 5 April 23

We have received four stallion applications for the above event. Applications for stallions (but not for mares) closed on 31 January. 

Mare owners are very welcome to put their mares aged from three years and over forward for grading at this venue. We have have capacity for up to ten mares. 

Why you should consider this venue for your mare: 

  • To encourage mare owners to come forward, we have made this a discounted venue (£240 instead of £270). 
  • Moreton Morrell has superb facilities, it is central and easily reached from many parts of England.  
  • Bringing your mare to this venue will enable you to get her inspected and show her early in the show season. 
  • Inspecting your mare will qualify her Irish Draught progeny for inspection in their own right. 
  • There is no upper age limit for mares. The oldest mare we have inspected was 20 years old. 
  • Mares do NOT have to do the jumping lane, but it is available to owners who wish to take this opportunity to try for a Bronze Merit in Athleticism.    
  • Full detailed guidance and application forms are on the website at
  • Please submit your mare’s application form and fee by15 February 2023. 

Please contact if you have any questions at all about the inspection process. We will be pleased to help you.