In 2024, as for this year, the Society will hold two inspection events where both stallions and mares can come forward for grading.
These events will provide inspection opportunities for:
- Irish Draught stallions and colts aged three years and over in 2024;
- Irish Draught Sport Horse stallions aged four years and over in 2024;
- Irish Draught and potential Supplementary Grade-Up Mares, including those (aged three years and over) for athleticism assessment for a potential Bronze Merit Award.
The Council is clear that these two combined inspection events must be individually financially viable. Viability is assessed on the number of completed applications, with the fees, received by the respective closing dates. For this reason, no late entries can be accepted for inspections where stallions are included.
Dates for the combined inspections:
1. Wednesday 10 April 2024 at Onley Grounds, Willoughby, Near Rugby in Warwickshire.
Closing date for applications: 15 February 2024.
2. September/October 2024: The Inspection Management Team is currently looking at potential venues, including in the North of England. A decision will be made by 31 October 2023.
Closing date for applications: 30 June 2024.
In early November 2023, the application forms, inspection guidance and 2024 fees will go onto our website at or will be available from the Inspection Management Team.
Mare inspection venues: as always, in addition to the provision for mares at the combined venues above, there will be mare inspection venues around the country. These venues will not offer athleticism assessments, so if you wish your mare to jump, you will need to apply for one of the two combined inspections above. A list of provisional mare/mare and foal venues will be posted on our website and on social media during November.
If you would like to discuss your horse’s potential application, please email and we will be pleased to advise you.
Inspection Management Team
24 August 2023