Questions are often asked about turnout and correct dress on social media, but very rarely do you see queries about ring etiquette.
Here are some handy tips to help you on the day.
- Ensure that you are on time for your class. Not before times are helpful, but don’t rely on them and always try to keep an eye on the ring and what class is currently in.
- Keep your distance! Don’t crowd the horse in front of you, whether ridden, or in-hand.
- If you are in a ridden class, keep your space, don’t overtake, especially in front of the judge. You can regulate your horse’s speed to create more room for yourself on the other three sides of the arena.
- Always be polite to the Judge and Steward, they are giving up their time for little or no reward, don’t forget to smile!
- In the line-up, keep your horse stood to attention, you never know when the judge may glance down the line, a horse stood up nicely leaves a better impression than one with its head drooping and resting a leg while its rider & groom are chatting.
- If you are in a ridden class and need to have a groom enter the ring to strip the horse, please ensure that they are smartly dressed. The judge is obviously judging the horse, not the groom, but smartly dressed attendants give a better overall impression. Your groom should wear a hat, a smart top or shirt, with a jacket or gilet, trousers (some shows do not allow jeans) and appropriate footwear.
- Once your horse has been ridden by the judge and has completed the conformation section, you can put the saddle back on. You should not re-mount though until the person at the head of the line is back on board.
- When the whole line up have re-mounted, then the grooms should leave the ring. You often see grooms from the top end of the line disappearing before the competitors at the lower end of the line have got back on board, it is polite to wait and all leave together.
- Don’t forget, this is meant to be for pleasure, smile & ENJOY YOURSELF!