News, Inspections

Spring Stallion & Mare Inspections 2023

The closing date for the Spring Stallion Inspections at Warwickshire College is 31 January 2023. We currently have one completed stallion application and payment – thank you to the owner concerned! There are four other potential stallions. We would like to extend an invitation to mare owners to apply to have their mares inspected at […]


Stallion and Spring Mare Inspections 5 April 2023

The closing date for completed stallion inspection applications is less than three weeks away – 31 January 2023.  We currently have three expressions of interest and one application.  We encourage members to apply without delay, as late applications cannot be accepted.  The closing date for mare applications for this venue is 15 February. However it would be […]


Important News: Stallion Inspections 2023

IDHS (GB) Stallion Inspections 2023 Following careful consideration and after listening to a variety of views from our membership, Council have decided to hold 2 Stallion Inspections in 2023. The great benefit of holding both a spring and autumn inspection is that members will have the choice to select the most suitable date for their […]


Important notice: IDHS (GB) mare inspections

The closing date for all mare inspections around the country is in seven days: 15 July 2022.  We have over 100 applications nationally, which is unprecedented. Thank you to all those members who have applied.  However, a couple of venues are not currently viable. Please contact the inspection management team on if you wish […]


Arena Team Trainee Opportunity

This is an exciting opportunity to get involved with our stallion inspections and be part of a friendly and positive team.We are looking for up to four people who are interested in training to be part of our arena team for our stallion inspections at Warwickshire Agricultural College. If you are successful in being selected, […]