Utility Passports

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    As a Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO) the Society can issue utility passports for animals not eligible for any other breed register

    General information from the Horse Passport Regulations 2009 (v1.0)

    • All equines must have a passport, which is to be with the animal at all times. This requires registration with a recognised Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO).
    • Equines to be registered must be identified and microchipped by a veterinary surgeon.
    • All equines must be in possession of a passport before they are six months old, or by 31 December in the year they are born, whichever is later.
    • You must be the owner of a horse to register it. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that a passport is obtained within the timescale prescribed by the legislation.
    • Equines that are registered late (i.e. after the six months old/31 December deadline) have to be signed out of the food chain.
    • Equines whose passports have been lost or misplaced, also have to be signed out of the food chain when a replacement passport is issued.
    • If you buy or have bred an unregistered equine, you must register the animal immediately. Owners of unregistered equines run the risk of prosecution by Trading Standards.
    • It is an offence to sell an equine without a passport.
    • The passport must be returned to the PIO when the horse dies or is put down. It may be returned to the owner on request, once it has been officially marked as deceased.

    Utility Passports

    The Society is pleased to supply utility passports to anyone who applies for one, with the appropriate fee, with the following conditions:

    1. The animal must not be eligible for any other register, including those operated by other PIOs. For example, in the case of a Fell pony, the owner should approach the Fell Pony Society in the first instance for a passport. We reserve the right to contact other PIOs to verify any information provided.
    2. Utility passports will not be issued for any animals with known breeding that could be registered with a pedigree-based passport. The animal must have no documented Irish Draught pedigree. If it has any documented Irish Draught pedigree at all, it must be registered on our Sport Horse Register.
    3. You do not have to be a member to apply for a utility passport, but if you wish to join, we will welcome you. Please see the membership information elsewhere on this site.
    4. The issuing of a utility passport by the IDHS (GB) does not infer that the animal has any Irish Draught breeding.
    5. If an animal issued with a utility passport subsequently becomes eligible (e.g. through DNA evidence) for a pedigree passport from any PIO, the owner of the animal can apply to that PIO for a pedigree passport. The owner must notify the IDHS (GB) and the PIO concerned must return the utility passport to the Society.